On August 10th we drove into Idaho and camped overnight at HooDoo Lake and did a day hike into the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness. The hike we did was about a 12 mile loop. The first part of the hike crossed up and over Friday Ridge. The ridge from the approach is in background behind Tonya in the photo below.
From the ridge we could look down on the largest of the Wind Lakes chain (see photo below). To the right of the photo is Grave Peak. There is an forest fire lookout on top of the peak. It looked like a tough scramble to get to. The structure is listed on the National Historic Lookout Register and looks kind of cute from the web photos.
From Wind Lakes we headed south down Warm Springs Cr valley before turning east and crossing over Friday Ridge once again. The photo below is from on top the ridge.
The campground and Hoodoo Lake were pretty nice. The "lake" is pretty small, but there is a resident female moose that eats along the shoreline. At night she visited our campsite, we were also visited by mule deer. We took several photos of the moose, but she was really too far away for our camera to capture. The picture below is the best of the lot.