Hello everyone,
It's been a busy couple of weeks. This past weekend Erik went back to MN to see a couple good friends tie the knot and I left in the opposite direction to visit my Aunt Kay in Seattle. We both had wonderful weekends. Now we are getting ready for a trip to Germany to visit Erik's aunts and uncles on his father's side. We'l be there from Sept 24th thru Oct 9th. We are taking a 5+day side trip to Rome in the middle. We're very excited to be abel to take this trip. So needless to say I won't be posting for about three weeks. So come back and visit in middle October for some pictures from our trip!
I'll leave you all with a parting shot of our "U-shaped" kitty, Rio. He loves this spot so much on the couch that we have had to lay the cushion flat now so he wouldn't make it too flat!