Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ancient Rome Part 2

In this post we're continuing on the same day we went to the Colosseum. All the sights were in the same general area but it was still a lot of walking. It was also hot that day probably 90 degrees. So after we visited the Colosseum in the morning we headed up Via Sacra to the Roamn Forum. This is the same path where the conquering general would parade their bounty after returning back to Rome. One of the first sights you see is the Arch of Titus, which commemorates the victory over the province of Judaea in A.D. 70. The 50, 000 Jewish slaves they brought home built this arch and the Colosseum. Here's a picture of the Arch as we were walking up the Via Sacra:
Here's a little detail on the arch showing the Jews/Hebrews and a menorah.
I have to back up. This is a picture of me standing on the second floor of the Colosseum and in the background is the Arch of Constantine. Another one of the great arches along the triumphant road the Cesears walked when returning from battle.
Now back to the Roman Forum.... There is so much to show but I'll just try to give the highlights and the best photos. This is a picture of the Basilica of Maxentius. A basilica was a place of government in Ancient Rome. This is only one third of the original building and hopefully having some people in it gives you a sense of the size. A second set of the arches was on the other side of a central hall that was 130 ft high and the size of a football field!
This is one of the many temples built to honor leaders by turning them into gods the people could worship. This is the temple of Antoninus Pius and Faustina built sometime between 138-161AD. The columns are 50 feet tall. The dirt built up to the door before it was excavated in the 1800's.
This is another one of the arches, ever wonder what the Romans saw in all their arches? In the backgrounds of this picture is the Temple of Saturn. (They also had many temples for all their gods.)
This is a view of the Roman Forum from Palentine Hill. (Palace Hill - where all the Cesear had their palaces) You are looking down at the Basilica Maxentius
And here's a cool shot of Erik with The Arch of Titus and the Colosseum in the background.
Well that's it for now. More on Palentine Hill next......

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