It's sunny here after a week of weird weather. Most of it didn't hit Missoula but I-90 just west of us has been closed off and on the last five day due to huge amounts of snowfall. We didn't get but an inch!
This past weekend I was at work and Erik was sick so nothing to report on the outdoors today. I thought I'd just say a quick hello to let you know we're still here and I haven't forgotten about blogging.
Maybe this will give you a smile, if you like cats anyway. So most of you know we had a cat Lagos. He and Rio were good pals. But unfortunately Lagos died an untimely death by the wheel of a car. So Rio was alone for about a year and then we got Sophie. I know I told you about her already but I though I'd show some uncanny photos I have. We weren't going for another Lagos but it looks sort of like we got him back again (as a her).
Here is a picture of Lagos sleeping:
Here is a picture of Sophie sleeping:
This is a picture of Rio and Lagos sleeping on our couch:
And finally this is a pitcure of Rio and Sophie sleeping on the futon:
Yes, they are pretty similar in look and personality. But if you look closely Sohpie is actually what they call tortishell colored. She's got orange patches under the tabby. And look at her nose, half one color half another! How cute ! ;-) So similar but not exactly the same.
This comoing weekend we're going on a downhill skiing trip with Erik's work. I'm scared!! But I'm taking a lesson and I'm gonna try it! I'll let you know how it goes next week. Pray I don't break anything!
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