Friday, September 7, 2007

Our little herd of deer

I told you about our deer that come around all day long in this post:
Well, I took some more pictures. not all of them turned out that great due to lighting and my poor picture taking skills. But here are some pics of the new fawns that are now coming around.

I've gotten even better pictures of the bucks. This one is from early spring, notice the grass is still green and the felt is thick on the tiny antlers.

Now, I have no idea if one of these deer are the same but I'm sure I have a picture of the above deer later this year I just don't know who he is. So anyway, here's a few more bucks later in the summer (notice the grass ;-( ) This one's right in our front yard and I'm taking the pictureout the spare bedroom window!:
This guy's in our neighbor's backyard headed for the salt lick. See the cute chickadees on the fence?And here's a doe that jumped our little fence and was waiting patiently at our back door for scraps (our neighbor feeds them all the time) So I just took her picture!
She went over to sniff Rio and I thought how cute. But right after this picture she started stomping so I chased her outt of the yard yelling: " Don't hurt my Rio!"
Enough on the deer. Some of you in MN will see Erik this weekend as he attends one of his good friend's weddings! Sorry I can't make it. I'll be back at Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Umm - Tonya? Can I come hunt in your backyard this fall? Pretty please! :)
