Friday, February 12, 2010

A visit from Tonya's sister

In October right before we moved to Seattle, my sister came to visit. We had a great time hanging out and exploring. Here's a few pictures of our time together.
Hiking Blodget Canyon overlook It was a little overcast and rainy that day but we had fun anyway! (I think my poor Texan sister was freezing though!!)Awwwwww.
We did have one good day of great weather so I took her to National Bison Range, hoping to see Bison but also knowing the views would be spectacular. Unfortunately this is all we saw of the bison!We had some fun! Opps, bad timing......There we go! (Toyota! they need a little pick me up right now)Did I mention the views we spectacular?We were silly.. "No, Tara, you don't eat meat!"Did I mention the views were spectacular?We also drove up to Flathead lake and walked around on some of the docks. Did I mention the views were spectacualr??When we got home that evening we hiked the M trail above UM. We let Erik go with us this time!Here's a shot of the M Trail as seen from down below. It was so fun to have her visit! I miss her already!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great trip!!!